Taconic Christian Church

Non-Denominational Christian Church in Yorktown New York
Our Services are in the Korean church at the above address.

Taconic Christian Church is one of a family of over 8,000 congregations in the United States that are linked together by a common belief in Jesus Christ and the Bible, striving to restore the beliefs and practices of the New Testament Church.

Vision Statement

To mirror Jesus’ love and acceptance

 Mission Statement

To Honor God by reflecting Christ
In thought, word and deed.
To care for His Body faithfully and respectfully
In love and service.
To reach and disciple the lost
In our community and beyond.
To advance the Kingdom of God
In all our works

We believe... 

God is the creator of the World.  Someday He will call every person to be accountable for his or her actions.

Jesus is the Son of the Living God.  He died on the cross as payment for the sins of those who believe in Him.  He rose from the dead as a sign that those who believe in Him will also have eternal life.

The Holy Spirit is received at baptism (immersion) to be a comforter and advocate, helping us to live the Christian life.

Salvation is given by the grace of God to those who place their faith in Jesus Christ.

Baptism is an important act of obedience that believers undertake as they place their faith in Christ.

The church is a living body with Christ as the head. 

What we do...

We meet each Sunday as a family of believers to worship God through Jesus.

We meet often to study the Bible so that we may know better how to live in this world.

We seek ways to serve and meet the needs of people, so that we might convey the love of God.

We strive to build up and encourage one another as we work at living in the world.

We are enthusiastic about our love of God, and we share our faith with others both through our words and our actions.

©2024 Taconic Christian Church